About Us
Welcome to our farm and our home!
We are Aaron and Robin, a husband and wife team who, with the help of our boys, run this farm day in and day out.
We purchased our home in 2017 and with it came over 700 beautiful and established
blueberry bushes that date back to the 1960s & '70s.
Although we aren't the original brains of the operation, we sure have loved taking it on and making it our own.
​We strive to live a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy, chemical-free, nutrient-dense foods that not only fuel our bodies but also our minds. This was at the forefront when deciding how to take care of these beautiful bushes.
It was a no-brainer when we decided to continue the practice of not using any
chemicals (fertilizer, herbicides, insecticides, etc) whatsoever.
Pastured/forested pork, free-range chicken eggs, and Thanksgiving turkeys are a few of the other products we pride ourselves in producing for ourselves and others. Our standards for food don't stop with us,
we feed the animals only the best nutrient dense feed available.
Whether a pet or for food, our animals are all treated with the utmost care and respect.
We use all-natural methods including herbs and homeopathy to keep everyone on the farm in tip-top shape.
We are so blessed to do what we love each day and to be able to extend the fruits of our labor to our local community.
We hope you'll be blessed when you visit!